It may be hot but, come on, let’s celebrate!
Can it stop raining already? Because we need to celebrate Independence Day and our 1 Year Anniversary. For July 1, the town of Milton has pulled together a full day of family fun that ranges from breakfast through dinner and a parade to pizza pie eating contests. And, on July 15 we are celebrating one year of being in business! Please come out, say hello, grab a cupcake, sample a few beers, and (during the break in live music) share a few memories from this past year. A lot has happened this year and we are excited to celebrate this major small business milestone!
July 15: Wear your 66 gear to get a dollar off your first beer!
It has been a year and a half since the idea for how to transform this space started to form and now a year since we have been in operation. Yes, we have learned a lot. A lot about running a retail business in a rural small town. A lot about being partners in a business and finding the right fit of roles for everyone. And, a lot about keeping a vision for the future and what we and the community want and need this place to be. Let me tell you: it has not been smooth. But, I think it is coming along nicely.
Check out some of these memories from the past year and please come out a celebrate with us on July 15 when we say “Cheers to One Year!”.